How much traffic do you need to make living by Google Adsense

How much traffic do you need to make living by Google Adsense Is it really possible to make Living by Google AdSense earning? If so, then the real question is how much traffic do you really need to make big bucks with Google AdSense?
The average expenditure of a person in a month is 3000$ if we can make 3000$ a month we can quit our job and can do part time blogging from home.
The Adsense earning is quite a predictable so we can do simple maths to find how we can make 3000$ a month from home.

To earn with AdSense alone you need three things:

1. Traffic
2. Clicks
3. Bids.
$3000 per month isn’t a huge target, but it is big enough that you are going to need to do well in at least one of those three areas to hit and maintain that target.
While it is certainly possible to earn $3,000 per month from Google Adsense (and I know about sites that have earned up to 3 times than this number), it is not easy.
Adsense is a CPC based network primarily, although it does serve some CPM based ads.
In order to make the most revenue out of Google Adsense, you need to consider these:

1. Content:

Content is the first step to generating website traffic. Once a visitor lands on the site, it’s the on-site content that takes over the job in getting the visitor to convert. On-site content should be updated frequently since the search engines reward sites that are active and produce relevant, timely, original content. Operating a blog is a great way to ensure that the search engines are coming back frequently to index the content.

2. Audience:

Your website should target countries that invest heavily in Adwords (the main source of advertisement on Adsense). The list of countries includes USA, Canada, European countries, Australia etc.

3. Traffic:

As with all advertising, more people looking at the ads correlates to higher earnings.  You are being paid by advertisers to put their message in front of potential customers, so the more of those you can reach the better you should do.  Remember though, not every user has the same value to an advertiser.  Geographic location has a huge impact and, because it is easily measured, is talked about a lot.  But user demographics and how much advertisers know about that user have an equally dramatic impact.

4. Ad placement:

Last, but not the least, the ads have to placed in positions that generate the highest click-through rate. If this is not working then having good content, audience and traffic will all be wasted.


Most AdSense ads pay per click (no all, see AdSense bid types explained). If your ads don’t get clicked then your earnings will suffer.  This doesn’t mean that you should try to maximize clicks in the same way as you would traffic – this is a mistake people make. Advertisers want genuine, intentional clicks.  If you optimize to pick up lots of misleading and accidental clicks advertisers will pick up on that and their bids will drop. AdSense policy might pick up on it too and it could endanger your account.


More advertisers placing higher bids means more earnings. The niche you operate in has the most obvious impact on this, but there are other significant factors.  User intent, for instance, has a huge effect on bid price (Auto dealers will bid more to serve impressions for users closer to point of purchase), the geographic location of users, the past performance of your website can all impact bid prices.
To forecast Adsense earnings, the cost per click (CPC) of the ad unit, the click-through rate (CTR) and the page views are used.
The formula for earnings calculation is:
Earnings = CPC x CTR x PageViews
For the sake of argument, let’s assume your average CPC is $0.50 and the CTR is 2% (2 ad clicks per 100 page views). Now, we need to know how many page views are required to generate $3,000 per month. Let’s use the above formula:
3000 = 0.5 x 0.02 x Pageviews
Page views = 3000 / (0.5 x 0.02)
Page views = 300,000
This means that you need 300,000 page views to generate $3,000 per month.

Tips To improve your Adsense earning

How can I increase my AdSense clicks?

CTR or clickthrough rate in Google AdSense is the number of clicks your ads receive vs the number of time the ads are displayed. If your site has 100 pageviews and your ads receive 2 clicks, then your site’s CTR is 2%. CTR can be as low as 0.05% or it can be more than 20%. Optimizing your site to get higher CTR could help improve your Google AdSense earnings significantly. These are few things that you can do to get higher CTR for your sites.
Positioning your AdSense ads units at the right place will make a world difference of whether your site’s visitors see them, or not. There are certain hot-spots to place your ads, though different site type would require a different approach.
Using the right color will help make your AdSense ad units more visible to your site’s visitors. Color also plays a significant role in whether making a visitor click, or stay away from the ads.

How to improve CTR by placing ads in the right place?

To improve your CTR with AdSense, you should focus on maximizing viewability and engagement with your ads. To increase viewability, place ads above the fold but lower on the screen. As a best practice, place ads within an article.
For ads lower on the screen close to your social “share” buttons and comments, place the ad units above the buttons keeping in mind that you want at least 150 pixels of space between your content and ads to decrease accidental clicks.
Below is an iconographic for mobile ad placement we created recently.
The two AdSense placements I’ve personally found most effective, even on a low traffic site, is the MPU 300 x 250 and the Leaderboard 728 x 90.
The idea here is that no matter how far a user scrolls down the page, an advert will be present on the screen, plus the user experience isn’t ruined. This increases the chances of click-through, and also ensures impressions of the adverts. No guarantees, as there never is with AdSense, but it is effective.
It is important though to not go overkill with ad placements. Too many can be a big red flag to users and will end up having a negative effect.

Important steps to increase your revenue

1). Find the keywords that people search for while looking for Post. Use high traffic keywords for your post but less competitive.
2) Use right tags for your post and optimize them.
3). Create a post that people are searching for. It will help to get more visitors and This helps to get more ad impressions and clicks and more profits.
4). Post regularly. The more quality post you have, the more viewers you are going to get.
5). Avoid using copyright Content.
6). Ensure high quality of the Posts. If the quality of the Post is low, it drives away the users.
7). Promote your Posts on social media pages and so on. Create ads to point to your Post.
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